Thursday, March 15, 2018
2:00 PM ET
Records management can often feel like walking a tight rope. Government organizations everywhere must adapt to social change and technological innovation while meeting citizen expectations and adhering to policy objectives. Although maintaining this balancing act can be a daunting task, Collin County, TX, has been successful in developing strategies for effective management of public and confidential records. Since going digital, Collin County, TX, has been able to automate and transform its records management processes.
Join us to hear how Collin County implemented an organization-wide Electronic Records Management System (ERMS) and ultimately became a more open government through the process. In this webinar, you can learn:
- How to create an agency-wide records strategy and policy, and how to onboard high “paper producers”
- Tips for IT departments looking to implement an ERMS, including best practices for system launch, security, and commitment
- Innovative ways to optimize how public data is consumed