Gimmal Physical
Gimmal Physical™ allows you to inventory, track and manage all physical assets, including files, boxes, and other items from accession through disposition with an easy to use and configure experience that enables unique configuration by type and location of physical item.
Gimmal Physical™ provides:
Simple accession, check-in/check-out, and transfer of records
- Create color and barcode labels
- Online pickup and delivery requesting with optional request approval workflow
- Create and view multiple disposition reports including disposition approval, disposition pick list, and certificate of destruction
- Create and manage retention schedules and automatically apply policies
- Allocate space on shelves, bays, and aisles in storage facilities
- Assign storage locations when boxes or assets are put on shelves or in advance
- Print location labels and create space management reports
- Barcode support
- Integrate with off-site storage vendors such as Iron Mountain, Access, and O’Neil
Gimmal Records
Gimmal Records™ provides a complete records management solution for your content regardless of whether it is stored inside Laserfiche, Microsoft 365, or another repository, including file shares. By integrating with all your content repositories and managing records in-place, Gimmal Records™ allows you to manage your organization’s retention and disposition policies under a single file plan.
Gimmal Records™ is designed for:
- Record Managers tasked with retaining records according to policy, defensible disposition of content that is no longer required to be retained, and managing their corporate file plan
- CISOs who want to ensure the organization can adopt to rapidly evolving compliance rules
- CIOs and IT Managers who have been tasked with managing the retention policies across all enterprise content

- Enterprise scale physical records management tracking
- True In-Place management, not copies, of electronic content throughout their entire lifecycle
- Manage electronic data on an ongoing basis, enabling you to maintain control over content and protect against future liabilities
- Powerful reporting and analytics
- Defensible disposition with multiple options and auditable destruction certificates
- Easy to use, even with the most complex records, including case records and linking related physical records
- Meet short deadlines by accessing multiple locations concurrently to locate critical information
- Holds prevent spoliation of evidence inquiries and investigations
- Multi-phase / stage lifecycles

About Accelerated Information Systems
Accelerated Information Systems (AIS) is an award-winning professional services firm focused on solving business challenges with software solutions. AIS provides expert guidance, utilizing industry expertise and a strong technical skill set to design, implement, and support enterprise solutions.
AIS provides a full suite of professional services including consulting, solution design, implementation, technical support, data conversion, system integration, training, and project management.
Clients of AIS include State and Local Government, Colleges and Universities, Financial Services (Wealth Management, Investment Advisors, Broker-Dealers), Manufacturers, Not-for-Profit Organizations, TV and Media, and Multi-National Non-Governmental Organizations.
Founded in 2005, AIS is headquartered in New York and is also certified in multiple other states as a Minority Business Enterprise (MBE) and a Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DBE). In addition to their status as a Platinum Certified Laserfiche Solution Provider and the 2019 Laserfiche Cloud Solution Provider of the Year, AIS is a Microsoft Cloud Silver Certified Partner.

About Gimmal
Gimmal provides the solutions organizations need to find information, govern content, improve business processes, and ensure information is in compliance with business requirements, no matter where it is stored. Gimmal software automates processes, discovers critical information across the organization, helps achieve interoperability between SharePoint and SAP, migrates from legacy systems, and improves productivity across your organization at the lowest possible cost.