Elevate Your Organization with Our Comprehensive VIP Service Packs

Are you looking to maximize your Laserfiche investment and unlock your organization’s full potential?

Our VIP Service Packs offer a comprehensive suite of support and resources tailored to meet the unique needs of businesses of all sizes.

With a platform like Laserfiche that is constantly expanding and improving, VIP Packs are a simple solution for clients to keep up with the latest updates, have professional support from our experts, and have everything needed to increase the impact of your Laserfiche investment.

Key Benefits

Enhanced Efficiency and Productivity

Streamline workflows and optimize business processes.

Improved ROI

Maximize Laserfiche investment with expert support.

Increased User Satisfaction

Empower teams with knowledge and tools.

Peace of Mind

Rest assured your Laserfiche system is in expert hands.

What's Included?

Annual System Updates (On-Prem Users)

Keep your on-premises system running smoothly with the latest features and security enhancements.

Dedicated Professional Services (Cloud Users)

Our experts assist your cloud-based operations and answer your questions.

Customized Consulting and Training

Gain valuable insights and expertise through tailored training programs.

Laserfiche Aspire Training Credits

Empower your team to master Laserfiche with flexible learning options.

And More!

Success Stories

Taylor Turgeon Headshot Round
“One of the other standout features that I love about the AIS VIP Pack is the training hours. The ability to have one-on-one trainings with developers is invaluable. These sessions allow me to dive deep into specific challenges and come away with practical solutions.”


-Taylor Turgeon, Operations Manager at Gitterman Wealth Management and VIP Pack User
Chris Cooper Jan 2024 Round


“I’d say get it; it’s totally worth it, especially at the discounted price.”


– Chris Cooper, Sr. Operations Analyst at CATIC & VIP Pack User
Keith Wilson Round
“I can’t emphasize enough how critical having this VIP support pack is to the overall success of using Laserfiche and getting the most out of its capabilities. There is never a question as to whether I budget annually for the VIP pack. It’s a given, just as much as the license renewals that occur each year.”


– Keith Wilson, IT Manager for the City of Acworth and VIP Pack User

Choose the Right VIP Pack for Your Organization

VIP Pack 1

Ideal for small businesses, offering essential support and resources.

Annual System Update*
(On-Premises Systems)

~6 Service Hours

Annual Professional Hours
(Cloud Systems)

6 Hours

System Review &

Laserfiche Aspire
Training Credits
Empower Pass
Not Included
Percent Discount
from List Price

VIP Pack 2

Designed for growing organizations, providing expanded services and training.

Annual System Update*
(On-Premises Systems)

~10 Service Hours

Annual Professional Hours
(Cloud Systems)

10 Hours

System Review &

Laserfiche Aspire
Training Credits
Empower Pass
Not Included
Percent Discount
from List Price

VIP Pack 3

Designed for growing organizations, providing expanded services and training.

Annual System Update*
(On-Premises Systems)

~20 Service Hours

Annual Professional Hours
(Cloud Systems)

20 Hours

System Review &

Laserfiche Aspire
Training Credits
Empower Pass
1 Pass Included
Percent Discount
from List Price

*Includes update to Laserfiche 12 launching in November 2024

Need a larger customized pack?
We offer packages for larger organizations requiring custom-made support.

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    An Accelerated Solutions Specialist will contact you shortly with more information!